{% if params.language == 'en' %} The plant essence of Biozyme Enzyme Technology (Biozyme hereinafter) is also called fermentation fluid, ferment fluid or enzyme fluid. It is often confused with enzyme, but is in fact a completely different element of health improvement.
(1) Enzyme is made of proteins. It is essential for our body to maintain functions, digest food and repair tissues. Enzyme is the catalyst in our body. Without enzyme, all bodily functions will cease to work. Enzymes are synthesized in our body by cells in pancreas and liver or obtained from the food we eat. Fresh fruits and vegetables are all rich in enzymes.
(2) Fermentation fluid is produced by fermenting micro-organically natural vegetables and fruits over long period of time. It is more like plant essence than enzyme. Many important ingredients like phytochemicals, minerals, necessary amino acids, vegetable polyphenol, and vitamins are obtained using different stains of lactic acid bacteria, yeast, and acetobacter aceti in various fermentation times. The fermentation fluid of Biozyme is produced by fermentation over 540 days in three species of 12 strains of bacteria. A wide variety of nutrients are obtained in our proprietary process. The most important nutrient is the superoxide dismutase, or SOD. SOD and many other small molecules of nutrients work together to regulate our bodily functions.
In simple terms, (1) fermentation fluid = plant essence ≠ enzyme; (2) nutrients in fermentation fluid > enzyme; (3) the fermentation fluid is not equal to eating enzyme for enzyme supplement; rather, it cleans our body and provide the needed nutrition for coordinated actions to restore heath. {% else %} 大漢酵素生技(以下簡稱大漢)的植物精華也稱作醱酵液、發酵液與酵素液,常與酵素混用,但其實是不同的保健元素。
{% if params.language == 'en' %} In fact, enzyme food is a type of health supplements. It is just that every type of nutrition supplement works in its own way. For example: (1) the vitamin tablets provide the vitamins needed to our body running; (2) Deep sea fish oil contains EPA and DHA that remove toxins from the blood vessels and keep the blood running; (3) probiotic bacteria keep bad ones from damaging human body, simulate intestinal peristalsis and improve constipation; and (4) plant essence is mostly natural. Nutrient molecules are easily absorbed by human body thanks to the cell wall breaking and degradation techniques. The coordinated actions of these nutrients help regulate the entire body. {% else %} 其實酵素食品也是保健食品之一,只是每種營養品具有不同的功效。例如:(1)綜合維他命能補充營養,維持人體正常運作所需;(2)深海魚油含EPA、DHA,能去除血管的雜質毒素,促進血液順暢;(3)益菌能抑制壞菌對人體的破壞、刺激腸道蠕動、改善便祕;(4)植物精華多為天然來源,營養分子經過破壁與降解,更適合被人體吸收運用,透過多元營養素的協同作用,讓身體進行全面調整。 {% endif %}
{% if params.language == 'en' %} You can just drink it out of the bottle, or have it diluted with 5 to 8 times of cold or warm water. It is recommended for children above 1 year old; 5c.c. per day for 1 to 5 years old; and 10-15c.c. per day for 5 to 10 years old. For adult health improvement, it is recommended one to three times per day and 20-30c.c every time. If there is a health condition, it is recommended to start with small dosage and increase gradually from there. {% else %} 可直接飲用,或以冷(溫)水稀釋5-8倍再飲用。1歲以上開始食用,一至五歲每日5c.c.,五至十歲每日10-15c.c.,一般成人保健,每日一至三次,每次食用20-30c.c。若身體有某方面病痛,則建議從少量開始食用,再慢慢加量。 {% endif %}
{% if params.language == 'en' %} It is better to drink with an empty stomach than after deal, because the fermentation fluid is better absorbed with an empty stomach. However, for those with a stomach problem, ulcer or sensitive stomach, it is recommended to drink 5 to 10 minutes after meal. {% else %} 空腹喝的效果會比飯後喝好,因為空腹時,腸胃對醱酵液的吸收情況較好。但胃不好或有胃潰瘍或胃較敏感者,請改於飯後5~10分鐘使用。 {% endif %}
{% if params.language == 'en' %} It depends on your body. Some feel the difference as quickly as in 3 to 4 days, while it may take as long as 15 days to a month for others. The Plant Essence is produced from natural vegetables and fruits, and most of non-medical health supplements regulate our bodies in a mild way. {% else %} 依個人體質而異,快則3~4天有感覺,慢則半個月~1個月才有所體會。植物精華基底為天然蔬果,且非藥品的保健食品多為溫和調整。 {% endif %}
{% if params.language == 'en' %} Health supplements are not medicines. There is no specific restriction to it. IT is suitable for those with diabetes, heart condition, high blood pressure, kidney problem, etc. However, it is recommended to consult with your doctor before starting using the product. If you are on western or Chinese medication, it is recommended to keep an interval of an hour or longer to prevent any interaction {% else %} 保健食品非藥品,無特殊食用限制,患有糖尿病、心臟病、高血壓、腎臟病…等疾病者亦可食用,但建議食用前可先諮詢主治醫生。若同時服藥物(不論中、西藥)或其他保健品,建議至少間隔一小時以上使用,以免交互影響。 {% endif %}
{% if params.language == 'en' %} Biozyme’s quality control staff perform tests and taste evaluation on every lot of products. Sometimes, there are a few insoluble extracts on the surface, but those are food fibers from long-term fermentation and concentration and active ingredients like mycelia of Ganoderma instead of sugar crystals. The sweet taste is because Biozyme’s products are fermented from vegetables and fruits over long period of time. The moisture and sugar contents in these vegetables and fruits vary depending on seasons and climates. In general, the lower the ambient temperature, the more viscous the products. That’s why we regulate the temperature of our products to 25℃ before performing any test in order to prevent any error in test data due to temperature variation. All Biozyme’s products are carefully tests for quality management, and they are shipped to you only after they pass these rigorous tests. Therefore, please rest assured. {% else %} 大漢品管人員會針對每批產品做開封檢測及品評,有時表層出現的些許不溶性萃取物成分,是蔬果經長時間醱酵濃縮後保留的食物纖維及靈芝菌絲體等功效成分,並非糖晶體。而產生風味偏甜的口感,則是因大漢產品皆以蔬菜、水果經過長時間醱酵製成,惟依不同季節、氣候變化,蔬果本身的水分含量與甜酸度等也有不同,每批產品會有些許顏色、口感與風味上的差異,一般環境溫度越低,產品的黏稠度會越高。因此我們在進行產品檢驗時,會將產品溫度調整至25℃再做檢測,以免因為環境溫度不同產生檢驗數據上的誤差。大漢生產之每批產品皆會經過品質管理檢驗,合格後才會出廠、販售,送到您的手中,敬請安心食用。 {% endif %}
{% if params.language == 'en' %} It is recommended to drink 10 to 30 minutes after meal. {% else %} 建議改由飯後10-30分鐘後再使用。 {% endif %}
{% if params.language == 'en' %} The complete nutrients in the plant essence (fermentation fluid) vitalize the cells in our body and accelerate the metabolism, and metabolism requires water. So, if you don’t drink enough water, it is normal to feel mouth dry. So, drink more water, like 500cc more than usual. Or, you may eat vegetables and fruits rich in water or drink sugar-free tea. That will improve the thirst and boost the metabolism to the next level! {% else %} 因為植物精華(醱酵液)的完整營養元素能活化體內細胞,促進全身新陳代謝,而體內代謝都需要水分幫忙,所以此時若水分攝取不足,就會覺得口乾舌燥的正常現像,這時請多喝水,可比平日多增加500cc的水量,或吃絲瓜、喝無糖茶等,這樣即可改善口渴狀況,並讓代謝力更上一層喔。 {% endif %}
{% if params.language == 'en' %} Biozyme Plant Essence (fermentation fluid) goes through the complete process of fermentation and features a mild taste. It is awarded the Halal certification (alcohol is forbidden in Islamic world, which means Halal is also a non-alcohol certification). The materials used to make vinegar are simple. Only acetobacter aceti is used for making vinegar and the production time is relatively short. The result is less nutrients than in the plant essence. {% else %} 大漢植物精華(醱酵液)經完整醱酵,產品溫潤不嗆,並獲得伊斯蘭HALAL認證(回教徒不可飲酒,亦是不含酒精認證)。醋的原料通常比較單一,且只用醋酸菌作用,作用時間也較短,營養素也比植物精華來得少。
{% if params.language == 'en' %} (1) No. The long-time fermentation has made the product neither cold nor warm. The product is natural health complement mild in nature. People with a cold-natured body are recommended to regulate the body with our product.
(2) Biozyme has learned from years of research that the nutrition varies in nature depending on the type of vegetable or fruit. Therefore, our proprietary techniques allow us to put vegetables and fruit of the same nature in independent tanks for fermentation after these vegetables and fruits are carefully selected and distributed in the right proportion, as to prevent the final result from deterioration. Therefore, please rest assured. {% else %} (1)不會,透過長時間醱酵已經沒有寒熱之分,都是溫和的天然營養補充品,建議體質寒冷者更需使用產品來調整體質。
{% if params.language == 'en' %} Not recommended. Every product of Biozyme is designed and developed by our professional team of experts in the best-fit proportion. Therefore, it is not recommended to mix them. You may drink one in the morning and the other in the afternoon, or consume one product for 3 to 6 months before switching to the next. {% else %} 不建議,每支大漢產品皆是經過專業研發團隊反覆研究出最佳配比的商品,因此建議不要混合使用,可分成早晚各喝一種或先食用某一種產品3-6個月後,再換另一種醱酵液做調理。 {% endif %}
{% if params.language == 'en' %} Well, not all of them. We are working on the labeling. The organic product regulations of Taiwan specify that an organic product is one that 95% of the materials come from organic sources. At present, there is no such a large quantity and variety of organic produce for us to produce our products. Instead, we set up four steps to screen our produce materials to ensure our customers get high-quality products that give them peace of mind and no burden.
Step 1: Safe fresh vegetables and fruits that comply with heavy metal and pesticide criteria are selected from produce distribution centers;
Step 2: Our quality control staff examine the incoming produce and upload the data to Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute.
Step 3: Vegetables and fruits are washed in ozone water to ensure their safety.
Step 4: Products are tested by a third-party lab for pesticide and heavy metal for the health of our product users. {% else %} 非全品項有機,有機會特別標注。台灣有機法規規定,產品原料中95%來源是有機時,方可稱為有機產品,而目前台灣並無如此大量且多種類的有機蔬果供我們製作產品,因此我們四階段把關蔬果原料,保證讓消費者使用到的安心無負擔的高規格產品,
{% if params.language == 'en' %} It takes a lot of time and efforts to produce plant essence (fermentation fluid). Compared to those that outsource health supplement materials for product formulation, Biozyme is more like a supplier of natural materials. We take things in our own hands from purchase of natural produce to long-time fermentation. Biozyme has been founded for 40 years. We develop our own fermentation technology and focus on the field of plant essence from the very beginning. Not only we have a large facility for fermentation tanks, but also our factory is certified for ISO9001 and HACCP. Our products are tested by third-party labs constantly to ensure quality and performance. {% else %} 植物精華(醱酵液)製作曠日費時,比起外購保健原料進行搭配的工廠,大漢更像是天然原料的供應商,從自然蔬果採買到長時間醱酵不假他人之手。大漢創立40年,自始至終都在研發醱酵技術,深耕植物精華領域,不只擁有廣大的醱酵桶儲放空間,工廠更獲得ISO9001與HACCP認證,產品更定期送第三方公正單位檢驗,確保品質與效果。 {% endif %}
{% if params.language == 'en' %} We spare no cost to extract plant essences using independent fermentation. It is costly for sure, but it works well for combination with other products. This gives us the flexibility to develop products of different functions from formulation of different material proportions. {% else %} 我們採高成本、獨立醱酵的方式精萃出各種植物精華,雖然成本高,但搭配性也高,能針對不同功效及需求,進行不同原料配比的調配方式來開發出不同功能性的產品。 {% endif %}